Donnerstag, 24. Februar 2011

Original Thai Cooking, 2


Da das Wochenende bevor steht und das letzte Rezept so gut ankam, folgt heute ein weiteres thailändisches Rezept von Chef Tummy - und mein persönlicher Favorit: Massaman Curry (für die vegetarische Variante einfach Tofu an Stelle des Hühnchens nehmen)! Viel Spaß beim Inspiriert-Werden und eventuellem Nach-Kochen!

Kaeng Massaman Kai


• 1 cup chicken breast, boneless and skinless, cut into 1 inch pieces
• 1/2 cup onion, cut into 1 inch pieces (Frühlingszwiebeln)
• 1 cup potato (Süßkartoffel und normale Kartoffeln!), peeled and cut into 1 inch pieces, cooked until nearly soft in a pan of water, about ten minutes, then drain off the water
• 1 - 2 tablespoons Massaman curry paste (gibts in jedem Asialaden zu kaufen, siehe Bild links)
• 2 tablespoons tamarind juice (Tamarinden-Paste gibts auch im Asialaden)
• 1 tablespoon palm sugar (you can substitute cane/castor sugar)
• ½ cup chicken stock
• 2 cups coconut milk
• 1 tablespoon fish sauce (gibts im Asialaden)
• 1/3 cup cashew nuts or peanuts, dry roasted and unsalted
• 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
• 1 tablespoon curry powder (optional)


• Place a wok or saucepan on the stove over low-medium heat and let it warm for a minute. Put two tablespoons of vegetable oil (am besten Wok-Öl verwenden, normales verbrennt schneller!) in the heated pan. After the oil has heated about 30 seconds, add the Massaman curry paste. Stir fry the paste in the oil until fragrant, about 1 minute. If your pan has gotten too hot, lift it off the stove so the curry paste doesn’t burn.

• Add the chicken pieces to the wok. Stirfry the chicken and Massaman curry paste, turning the chicken pieces so they are coated with the curry paste. Stir fry about 2 minutes until the chicken is coated well with the curry paste and the outside of the chicken has cooked. This will help seal in the juice inside the chicken pieces so the pieces remain tender.

• Add the potatoes, onion and nuts with the coconut milk (Dose vor dem Öffnen gut schütteln) and chicken stock to the wok. Boil for 5 minutes. Check the chicken, potatoes and onions to ensure they are cooked. Cut into the chicken pieces to see if they are cooked through; the chicken should be a uniform color all the way through.

• You can customize the dish for your own preference for adding a tangier taste with the tamarind juice, a saltier taste with the fish sauce and a sweeter taste with palm sugar. Add these ingredients to your own taste and boil for 1 minute. Now taste the dish to see if it pleases your own preference. You can adjust the dish by adding small portions of the tamarind juice, fish sauce or palm sugar until you achieve the balance your prefer.

• Sprinkle the 1 tablespoon of curry powder on top of the cooked Massaman curry, mix together with your ladle or spoon and cook for 1 minute.

• Remove from the heat, place in a serving dish and serve.


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